
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, my experiences as Black woman, and other things in between.

Slow and Steady

Slow and Steady


Tonight, after months of holding in my thoughts and emotions, I opened my journal to let it all out.

But first, I reread older journal entries, and wow. 2021 baby.

I know I did a lil recap at the end of the year, but you want to know what I downplayed?

Read More: I Chose Joy This Year: Ode to 2021

[P A I N]

I found a lot of joy with my loved ones, in my travel, and during my experiences abroad, but none of that was without pain.

I don’t know how many entries are here in total, but I know I went to town, expressing my hurt and disdain for the treatment I received and yet did not believe I deserved.

I just want to thank me for writing about it all. It’s really a beautiful thing to be able to point back to the things, the people, and the experiences and recall how each of them made me feel. 2020-2021 were two of the best years of my life because I allowed myself to feel. I allowed myself to talk about how I was feeling, and to the best of my ability, I held people accountable for that.

I have regressed, but today more than yesterday and the day before I am reminded to use the tools I picked up in therapy. I will continue to feel. I will continue to express myself. I will continue to resolve conflict, and I will continue to release, so that I do not rot from the inside out.

Slow and steady.

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I Only Want to be Where the Love Is

I Only Want to be Where the Love Is

I Chose Joy This Year - An Ode to 2021

I Chose Joy This Year - An Ode to 2021